Jo's Corner - Question 5

When I think upon my God, my heart is full of joy that the notes dance and leap from my pen.

Ah, right! But I actually don’t like this place, because they are not staging any of my compositions,  just oratories which I was not allowed to compose…

It was the Composer of the Court Gregorius Joseph Werner, who tried to meet the high standards of this kind. He was also pretty jealous because I already earned 400 Gulden a year when I was first employed. He called me “Modehansl” and “Gsanglmacher”(which are not very nice Austrian words, describing my outfit and my profession). How rude is this?

Werner died in 1766. Two years later in Vienna I smacked everyone a “Stabat Mater” in the face which made everyone recognize my talent! Finally people realized that my genious shouldn’t be witheld from intellectual work!

I’ve spent a lot of time here and had a lot of fans. Maybe one of them stole my opera as memorabilia.

Papa Haydn